Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Private Reserve OG (72)

Strain: Private Reserve OG
Collective: Green Magic, Woodland Hills
Type: Hybrid

                   LOOK: 7                SMELL: 7
                   TASTE: 7              BUZZ: 8
                               RATING: 72

  • LOOK: Light green nugs with scattered dark orange hairs, and a thick layer of fuzzy trichomes all over
  • SMELL: A light OG pine-sol aroma, not very strong. Really have to get your nose in it
  • TASTE: Rather bland taste, with a light OG piney aftertaste
  • BUZZ: Numbing, spacey feel in the brain that spreads out to the head and down to the legs. Leads into a heavy head feel, with a tired and sinking feel throughout the body, and slight waves rolling up the body.
  • THOUGHTS: Nice smoke, but weak smell and taste give it nothing to set it apart from the millions of OG strains, cuts, and phenotypes out there

Strain PR OG

Collective Green Magic

-Color 3 2
-Trichomes 5 4
-Manicure 3 2
-Nug size 3 2

-Density 4 3
-Stickiness 5 2
-Snap 2 2
SMELL 10 (x3) 21
TASTE 10 (x3) 21

-Strength 10 (x5) 40
-Duration 10 (x2) 12

Seeds -2 0
TOTAL 155 111
SCORE 0.72

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