Saturday, July 16, 2011

King Louie PR (83)

STRAIN: King Louie Private Reserve
COLLECTIVE: Med's Merchant, Sherman Oaks
TYPE: Indica

LOOK: 8.5      SMELL: 9
TASTE: 8          BUZZ: 8

  • LOOK: Light green with darker hints, tight spun nugs with scattered darkish orange hairs and covered in sugary crystals everywhere
  • SMELL: Definite OG Pine-sol aroma, with a meaty background. A light fuel undertone when you crack into a nug, very pungent and tickles the nose 
  • TASTE: Definite pine-sol taste, piney citrus, with a smokey, almost harsh, undertone.
  • BUZZ: Light headed, spacey feel initially. A relaxed, floating feel in the shoulder, that slowly works its way down through the legs. 
  • THOUGHTS: A nice smoke that doesn't get too overpowering throughout the day. A good daytime OG

Strain King Louie PR

Collective Meds Merchant

-Color 3 2.5
-Trichomes 5 4.5
-Manicure 3 2
-Nug size 3 3

-Density 4 3
-Stickiness 5 4
-Snap 2 2
SMELL 10 (x3) 27
TASTE 10 (x3) 24

-Strength 10 (x5) 40
-Duration 10 (x2) 16

Seeds -2 0
TOTAL 155 128
SCORE 0.83

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