Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Green Crack (70)

Strain: Green Crack
Collective: Green Magic, Woodland Hills
Lineage: SSSC Skunk #1 x Sweet Leaf Indica
Type: Sativa

                                                       LOOK: 8              SMELL: 7
                                                      TASTE: 7              BUZZ: 7.5
                                                                 RATING: 70

  • LOOK: Light green solid nugs with orange hairs and covered in sugary crystals
  • SMELL: Very sweet, like grapefruits and berries
  • TASTE: Not nearly as sweet as the smell, much more of an earthy taste with hints of sweetness to it
  • BUZZ: Energetic initially, with a little haziness in the head. Limbs feel a little heavy, but restless. Makes you want to get up and do something, but you might forget what.
  • THOUGHTS: I've always been a fan of this strain. Unfortunately this is not the best representation for how great it can be, but still better than a lot of the batches I've seen on other shelves.

Strain Green Crack

Collective Green Magic

-Color 3 2
-Trichomes 5 4
-Manicure 3 2
-Nug size 3 3

-Density 4 3
-Stickiness 5 2
-Snap 2 1
SMELL 10 (x3) 21
TASTE 10 (x3) 21

-Strength 10 (x5) 37.5
-Duration 10 (x2) 12

Seeds -2 0
TOTAL 155 108.5

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