Friday, August 5, 2011

Hog's Breath (82)

STRAIN: Hog's Breath
COLLECTIVE: Topanga Valley Caregivers, Woodland Hills
LINEAGE: ? Hindu Kush x Afghani ?
TYPE: Indica

LOOK: 9.25    SMELL: 8.5
TASTE: 7.5      BUZZ: 9
                    RATING: 82

  • LOOK: Thick, lime green nugs with bright orange hairs and caked in trichomes. 
  • SMELL: An odd, tropically sweet pungent smell. Not the most appealing weed smell, but a pleasant sweetness explodes out when you crack into a nug.
  • TASTE: Bland. I really don't taste much anything but smoke.
  • BUZZ: Uplifting and energetic initially. Shoulders begin to feel heavy after a few minutes, and the feeling slowly works its way down to the legs. Head stays clear and active, while the body slowly goes relaxed and lazy, with heavy waves rolling throughout. 
  • THOUGHTS: A very nice Indica, the only thing really holding this batch back is the taste, as long as you can get past the odd smell.

Strain Hogsbreath

Collective Topanga Caregivers

-Color 3 2.5
-Trichomes 5 4.5
-Manicure 3 3
-Nug size 3 3

-Density 4 3.5
-Stickiness 5 3.5
-Snap 2 2
SMELL 10 (x3) 25.5
TASTE 10 (x3) 22.5

-Strength 10 (x5) 45
-Duration 10 (x2) 12

Seeds -2 0
TOTAL 155 127
SCORE 0.82

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