Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Turbo Diesel (78)

STRAIN: Turbo Diesel
COLLECTIVE: Topanga Valley Caregivers, Woodland Hills
TYPE: Sativa

LOOK: 8    SMELL: 8.5
TASTE: 8.5          BUZZ: 8

  • LOOK: Light green fluffy nugs with scattered patches of dark orange hairs and a light dusting of sugary crystals.
  • SMELL: Old lemons and diesel fuel.
  • TASTE: Tastes like it smells, a citrusy sweetness with a strong fuel kick.
  • BUZZ: A very clean, calming, focused head high. Moderate relaxation through the body.  A little lazy.
  • THOUGHTS: This one's nice, but a little weird. The clear head made me want to do something, but my body was just too lazy. 

Strain Turbo Diesel

Collective Topanga Caregivers

-Color 3 2
-Trichomes 5 3.5
-Manicure 3 3
-Nug size 3 3

-Density 4 2
-Stickiness 5 3
-Snap 2 2
SMELL 10 (x3) 25.5
TASTE 10 (x3) 25.5

-Strength 10 (x5) 40
-Duration 10 (x2) 12

Seeds -2 0
TOTAL 155 121.5
SCORE 0.78

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