Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Batman OG (76)

Strain: Batman OG
Collective: H.I.P., Woodland Hills
Type: Hybrid
Rating: 76   

           LOOK: 8.5             SMELL: 7.5
         TASTE: 8              BUZZ: 8
                       RATING: 76

  • LOOK: Small, tight green nugs with scattered patches of dark orange hairs, decent trichome coverage throughout, and faint traces of blueish purple in places
  • SMELL: Musky smell, with OG pine-sol hints. Not very strong
  • TASTE: A light OG piney sweet taste with a musky undertone. 
  • BUZZ: Uplifting initially, with a lightness in the head and shoulders, and then a heavy feel in the limbs and eyes. A little stoney in the head, concentration isn't great, but not completely spacey.
  • THOUGHTS: A nice OG, nothing special though. 

Strain Batman OG

Collective H.I.P.

-Color 3 2.5
-Trichomes 5 3.5
-Manicure 3 3
-Nug size 3 3

-Density 4 3
-Stickiness 5 3
-Snap 2 2
SMELL 10 (x3) 22.5
TASTE 10 (x3) 24

-Strength 10 (x5) 40
-Duration 10 (x2) 12

Seeds -2 0
TOTAL 155 118.5
SCORE 0.76

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